Cindy. Dear ignorant girl. Still wanting others to hand you a nice package you can slot into the hole that would be left if you abandoned your superstitious underpinnings! This intellectual/emotional laziness is bred right into Christians. (huge sigh)Faith as a substitute for reason and common sense. ICK.
It is NOT my job to do the work for you. I have no 'mission' to convince you that your superstitious twaddle is in fact twaddle. I have no intention of engaging in the mental masturbation that you frightened Christers invatiably start to practice when your sandy foundation is shaken.
I merely suggest that you start by finding out WHEN the 'Gospels' were written and realize that NONE of those writers were really eyewitnesses to Jesus' life. Then do some research and find out how many earlier religions had a virgin birth, crucified 'savior' and most of the other motifs attributed to Jesus. Start with Gilgamesh...
Then make a visit to one of the many fine 'origins' newsgroups for a crash course in scientific inquiry.
If you prefer to remain secure in the ignorance of blind faith, then ENJOY! It does take hard work to find an ethical baseline based on decency and common sense rather than the fearmongering guilt that controls Bibliolatrists. If you prefer that relatively brainless high control, then stick with ignorance and its inherent smugness.
Just don't expect others, who have done the tough work, to hand you a nice new salvation package to fit into the empty space where a spine should be.
Take a look at old TommyPoo...he's the poster boy for the worst Christer mindset. If you prefer living in that miasma of supernatural crap with guys like him, who am I to disabuse you of your jones for punishment?